CloudBadging in 4 Easy Steps
Step 1: Configure Your Dataset
Your dataset organizes and keeps your records separate from one another depending on how you would like to set it up. For example, you could use this to separate each of your locations, put students and staff in their own datasets, or keep each department independent of the others.
The different fields that you enter into your dataset will determine what information will be available later to place on your card. You will have a default dataset in your account to start. This dataset will have ID Number, First Name, Last Name, Title, Level, Photo, Date Issued, and Expiration Date. You can edit all these fields to reflect the information that you are looking to put into CloudBadging. If you don’t need a field at all you can delete it by clicking the garbage can next to it. If you need additional fields, you can add those by simply clicking on the field you need on the left side of the page. You can choose to make each field required or not by clicking on the exclamation point to the right of the field.
*Hint: if you have a csv file already made, use the headers you've created as the fields you'll need. Example: First Name, Last Name, etc.
Every dataset requires a Unique Primary Key. This field is what differentiates each record from the others, so it must be unique. If you use last name for example you would run into issues if two people had the same last name. An ID Number works best here, but if you don’t have one you can always just number your records. If the Primary Key is unique for every record, you shouldn’t run into any issues.
*If you are having issues saving - be sure to NAME the dataset, save it, then add/edit your fields. If it still won’t save, reload the page and try making only a single change between each time you click save.
Step 2: Create/Import Records
Each record contains the information of one person you have entered into your dataset. This is where you actually enter the information into the fields you configured in Step 1.
You can add records either by clicking “create record” and entering in their information or by importing a spreadsheet. If you choose to do a bulk import you will have to save your spreadsheet as a .CSV file so you can upload it to CloudBadging. If there are pictures you want to associate with your records, you can again either add them individually under the “create record” option or by uploading them in bulk with your spreadsheet.
To upload pictures in bulk with your spreadsheet you will need to place all your pictures into a single folder. From there, right click the folder and click “send to” then click “compressed .zip folder.” This will get the folder ready to be uploaded. Next you enter in the photo pathway in your “photo” column (or whatever you named it) in your spreadsheet for each record. The photo pathway should look like this:
Example: CBPhotos/John3425.jpg
The folder name comes first. It is case sensitive and so is the entire pathway so make sure to include the proper capitalization. The folder name is followed by a forward slash. Finally, you will want to type the entire file name including the extension (make sure to click view – and check the “view filename extensions” box).
The guide below explains this process in more depth.
Step 3: Create a Template
You can start with a premade template as a jumping off point or start fresh with a new template. When making a new template, or in the “settings” tab in the template editor, you can select the card size, orientation, if you want it double sided or not, and which dataset is associated with the template.
Once your card is formatted correctly you can start adding elements by just clicking on them. For most elements you will be inserting the variable fields that you configured in steps 1 and 2 instead of typing the actual information. So instead of typing the person’s name you would insert your first and last name fields into the content box: {{First Name}} {{Last Name}}. Anything you actually type into the content box will display the same on every card.
Variable image fields work the same way. You just insert the variable field you want to pull from, and it will display the image associated with that record. For images that will be the same on every card, you will upload it in the template editor here by adding a regular “image” field.
You can preview your card any time by clicking the preview button near the top right of your screen. When you are satisfied, you can change the template from “draft” to “active” by selecting the red dot in the top middle of the screen and changing it to “active.”
Step 4: Print!
Before printing the first time you will need to configure your printer. If you don’t see your printer in the options just select “other" and "card printer."
There are two options for printing: “Capture & Print” and “Search & Print” Capture & Print is for adding a single new record and at the same time printing that one card. Search & Print is for printing records that are already in your dataset. You can search and filter your records then select which one’s you are looking to print.
Capture & Print: The screen after selecting Search & Print will be the “Select a Template” window (this will only appear if you have more than one template saved to your account). Enter the correct information into the fields which you configured in Step 1. You will see the card being filled in as you type and add images. When you are ready to print click “Save & Print.” This will immediately bring up your printer selection window.
Search & Print: The screen after selecting Search & Print will be the “Select a Template” window (this will only appear if you have more than one template saved to your account). Select the template you wish to print. You will be brought to the Records window for the dataset that is associated with your template. After checking the boxes next to the Record(s) you want to print, the Print button above the Record table will become clickable. Click Print.
You will then see the “Template Preview” window where you can double check everything one last time before printing. If the Preview looks good then click on the “Print Cards” button on the right side of the page.
Margins & Header/Footers: Depending on the Web Browser you are using, the next steps will vary slightly. You will need to disable your print margins as well as the headers and footers. These settings will save after the first time you enter them.
Use this guide to turn of your margins and headers/footers:
After those settings are confirmed - click print and the job will be sent to your badge printer.
Good luck and Happy CloudBadging!
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If you have any additional questions on this process please email support at [email protected] or call 800-996-3581.